The 42-day detention law is a monstrous invasion of freedom
Those who introduce internment never call it by its true name, but the bill passed by the Commons last week amounts to nothing less, writes Professor Conor Gearty
WHEN I came to England from... > more |
We must work to keep our young people safe - TOO many young people are becoming victims of crime. > more
Danger of ignoring the concerns of parents and school governors - IT is hard to believe that in two short years the current Tory/Lib Dem administration... > more
Forget the West End, here’s the Roundhouse - SIR Jonathan Miller’s latest complaint is that he cannot bring his new production of Hamlet... > more
The Bard in Georgian - RE Shakespeare and the Roundhouse prove a perfect match, June 5, the recent RSC run of Shakespeare’s... > more
Vandalising vandalism - AM I the only person in London who can’t understand all the accolades heaped upon “artist” Banksy? > more
Elderly losing the services of a part-time cook - WE are told that comparisons are odious. > more
It’s a credit - DOESN'T St Michael’s Church just look great, now it has a new roof and the lovely west front is clean? > more
What we should crawl Royal Free... - REGARDING your article ‘The creepy-crawlies that are found in the Royal Free’ (June 12), perhaps the... > more
Attack on our civil liberties - PRIME minister Gordon Brown has narrowly won the vote over the Counter-Terrorism Bill but he is no... > more
We need a better understanding of the fundamental issues - I READ with interest Awale Olad’s poignant letter (Somali youth a target, June 5). > more
Lessons in political hypocrisy from the neighbours - THE New Journal is right to deplore the current administration’s constant cuts... > more
It’s clear who would have taken the new constituency - HAD a general election been held on the same day on May 1, the Conservatives would... > more
Supermarket post offices? - I APPLAUD the Belsize Park Community Group for their valiant attempt in attempting to keep open their Englands... > more
Pitch battle - AS a daily walker on the Heath, being a local resident, I was surprised and quite irritated to find no less than 15 tents pitched... > more
Accountable to patients - WHEN writing about my anger at GPs being likened to the private sector health industry, Tom Foot, in his otherwise... > more
Sorry for socialists? - I FEEL truly sorry for honourable local politicians such as Roger Robinson, Julian Fulbrook and Frank Dobson who have... > more
Calling on all St Paul’s choir members of the 1930s - I LIVED near Camden Square from 1935 to 1939. > more
Truth about the Gaza strip - I AM deeply grateful to Ruth Gorb for her moving interview with the writer Eva Figes and to the CNJ for publishing... > more
Wardens shake-up - AS the new executive member for community safety, I would like to clarify your article (Street warden decision ‘naïve’... > more
We’re determined to continue fight for community services - MANY West Hampstead residents have been in contact with us because of their... > more |