Truth about the Gaza strip
• I AM deeply grateful to Ruth Gorb for her moving interview with the writer Eva Figes and to the CNJ for publishing this eye-opening review of Figes’s new book (Of Good Germans and Bad Jews, June 12).
My grandparents, like those of Eva, perished at the hands of the Nazis, and my parents emigrated to Israel in the hope that they could create there an equitable society whose members would live in harmony with the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine. Sadly, I witnessed the plight of the Palestinians since the inception of the state of Israel and, similar to Figes, I regard Gaza Strip as a concentration camp reminiscent of the Nazi era.
Regrettably, when I made my views public in a letter published in the Jewish Chronicle I was attacked by many readers who felt that the JC should not publish such an “obscenity”. However, when my views were published in The Times, I received support from a Jewish correspondent, whose family also vanished in a concentration camp, and who wholly agreed with my analogy of the besieged, starved and doomed Gazans with victims of the Nazi camps.
I am thankful to Eva Figes for voicing the feelings of many Jewish people who believe that modern Israel betrays the moral principles and human values of Jewish heritage.