Elderly losing the services of a part-time cook
• WE are told that comparisons are odious.
Perhaps they are sometimes. A Camden policeman’s life is a risk the moment as he or she steps on to the street and for this is paid £21,000 a year. By comparison Councillor Martin Davis is paid £23,000 a year plus subsidies for meals, travel, etcetera, for a few spare time hours during the week as head of adult social care, and the odd hour or two in his Hampstead ward.
Obviously he was chosen by his gullible colleagues for the adult social care post because of his daytime job with Age Concern in Westminster.
Unfortunately his past career was not in the caring professions but as a professional accountant.
His first act was to sack four members of Careline stating that this would save the council £100,000 a year. We all know that did not happen. Now his latest target is depriving frail, very elderly, members of Age Concern at Hillwood in Eversholt Street of the service of a part-time cook.
True, we have been funded for refurbishment including the now splendid kitchen and refrigerator area. But why no cook, Cllr Davies? You have provided this service at Great Croft and Henderson Court.
Could it be because we are in the Somers Town area – do I detect a touch of snobbery here?
Oakley Square, NW1