Calling on all St Paul’s choir members of the 1930s
• I LIVED near Camden Square from 1935 to 1939.
I was a member of the St Paul’s Church choir. If any members of that mixed choir read this I would be very pleased to hear from you. Some names which come to mind are Gwen Fielder, Joan James, Pam Smith, Jill Bradford, Jeremy Barnes, George Elieber, Alan and George King.
Our splendid vicar was the Reverend Charles Pugh. He joined the army in 1930 and he wrote to us from “somewhere in France”.
Fortunately, he survived the war, but sadly, that wonderful church was destroyed in the blitz.
I am now 82 and retired in France. I trust that some of my colleagues from those days will read this, so I now look forward to hearing from you.
Ken Benney 3 rue de la Pinede, T-24490,
La Roche Charlais, France