Perhaps it’s time to blame the parents for violence
• WHAT'S it coming to when a young eight-year-old is attacked and hit over the head (Tuesday night June 10 in Wellesley Road), seriously enough for an ambulance be called out, as well as the police, and you are told that the attackers (who the young boy recognised) are free to carry on and do it again because they, too, were eight and nine years old, one of whom had already been reported to the local police for violent behaviour.
The police told the mother of the victim that there was nothing they could do because of their age!
Is it any wonder that we have this crisis with young people in today’s society when this is the attitude, no reprimand, no talk from the police?
What is the message that is being given to these young people by so called people in authority?
Just carry on, and by the time your in your teens you’ll be ready to knife someone?
When I was young (which wasn’t that long ago) the thought of being confronted by police was enough of a deterrent in itself, for the police to come round your house and speak with your parents, would have been every child’s worst nightmare. Yes there was still crime, and there always will be, but eight years old!
When did the police lose their authority and what chance does the next generation have if we can’t control them at this age and instil the correct way to behave.
Why do parents turn a blind eye? Because they don’t have to face the consequences either.
Well if the child is out of line and there’s no recourse, then turn to the parents. Perhaps if the parents had to go to court to explain the behaviour of their children, maybe they wouldn’t bury their heads in the sand and actually deal with their children’s behaviour.
Mansfield Road, NW3