We must work to keep our young people safe
• TOO many young people are becoming victims of crime.
The issues of youth violence are spread nationwide and I have been particularly saddened by the recent events which have seen one young person senselessly lose their life and another seriously injured in our borough.
I would once again like to extend my condolences to the families and friends.
I want to reassure them that the council is committed to tackling the difficult issues head on that face us all as a community.
It is important to add that the majority of young people are not involved in youth crime – in fact crime in Camden is down by 22 per cent.
I regularly meet young people across the borough.
Most of them are talented, vibrant, model citizens and an asset to the community.
However, for the minority who do carry weapons, they are not only risking getting caught, but are also increasing the danger of getting hurt or even killed themselves.
Keeping young people safe and secure in our borough is extremely important.
The pot of money for youth provision this year has actually been increased, (Youth funding cuts ‘could spark summer crime wave’ June 12) because we know – from residents telling us – how important these services are.
We do our best to provide a wide range of activities for our young people. We set up the Youth Council in February.
We provide after-school clubs, holiday play schemes, youth clubs and youth projects.
One of these, the Somali Youth Development Resource Centre continues to receive funding from the council and we will continue to prioritise this important work with young people from the Somali community.
Throughout the summer we will also be providing a range of free activities and workshops.
Sixteen young people have died as a result of knife or gun violence in the capital this year.
We don’t want any more lives to be wrecked or lost through pointless violence.
We all need to work together to ensure our young people are kept safe.
Leader Camden Council