It’s criminal to neglect the needs of youth we should be proud of
Axel John Landin says lots of good work is taking place to steer young people away from a life of crime – but there’s still much to be done
IT was inspiring to see young people such as Zakariya Mohamed... > more |
Losing GPs fuels the politics of despair
BY steam-rollering over the public the Camden Primary Care Trust (PCT) has added another notch to the politics of despair.
Their decision to allow the take-over of three GP practices by a US monopoly health company – and a notorious one at that – will prove, in retrospect, to be another step in the dismantling of the publicly owned National Health Service envied in so many parts of the world. > more
Pedestrian and cycle link will be well used - WE take exception to the story (Cycle path ‘of more use to drug dealers’, April 10). > more
Mixed grill on menu - I AM writing in response to recent media speculation on a suggestion from a Liberal Democrat councillor to ban dairy products and... > more
Anyone for croquet? - AS you reported (Anyone for croquet? Head for the Heath, April 10), the City of London is laying out a new croquet lawn on the former putting... > more
Letter box fiasco shows lack of common sense - IT is unnerving to read (Bungle forces postmen to stoop and deliver, April 10) Liberal Democrat housing chief... > more
Recipes for success? - SOME time ago in her column Clare Latimer put forward the idea of a cookery book society and a library collection of newspaper cooking and... > more
Scare story - AS is often the case with scare stories printed in the local media, the actual facts paint a very different picture (Youth work loses out, Letters April 10). > more
Ignorance about the controversial Bliss laboratory - WE contacted Islington Council to find out their views on the controversial British Library International... > more
Cut the council tax to reflect shift in property market - SINCE council tax is based on the fictitious price of one’s home, this has entitled the bankers, estate agents... > more
Conway Hall rally for alternative policies - NEW Labour’s attacks on working people have been unrelenting – the privatisation of our public services, cuts in real... > more
We must keep Camden GPs in the National Health Service - I WANT to draw attention to the fact that in their tendering of the out-of-hours GP service... > more
Tragedy raises questions - THE inquest hearing on Salma ElSharkawy’s tragic death (Salma’s car defective, April 3) raises many questions surrounding her case... > more
Threat of terrorism - NEW Labour’s determination to push through 42 days detention without charge for terrorist suspects will have the opposite effect from that... > more
We’ll not be soft on bad licensees - I WAS horrified to read the story (The Worst Place in Camden to live, April 14) and the gross misrepresen-tation of what took... > more
True cost? - TELL me my eyes are deceiving me (Salma’s car defective, April 3). > more
Let’s have water fountains and cheaper football at the leisure centre - I WAS one of thousands of lucky residents who celebrated the second birthday of the... > more |