Are Roman remains the real reason for roadwork delay?
• CAN anyone tell me if Roman remains have been discovered beneath the traffic island in Mill Lane at the junction with Solent Road?
This is the only explanation I can think of as to why no work has taken place since the island was cordoned off (see right) by contractors nearly two months ago.
I telephoned Camden highways department last month and was told that the contractors shut down for two weeks over Easter so that was why no work had taken place (and also why the rates are so high).
I telephoned again but no one in Camden’s highways or traffic department seemed to know who (if anyone) is handling the case, nor did they even know who the contractor is.
The island is at a busy location between the post office and an old people’s home and Mill Lane is on two bus routes. If Camden Council considered the location important enough from a road safety aspect to call for a traffic island in the first place, then I would have thought it would have made sure it was properly maintained.
Crossing at this point is much more dangerous than it was before.
One thing is clear: in Camden it is the contractors and not the highways department who call the tune.
Solent Road, NW6