Anyone for croquet?
• AS you reported (Anyone for croquet? Head for the Heath, April 10), the City of London is laying out a new croquet lawn on the former putting green by the tennis courts in Golders Hill Park.
Amazingly, this will be the first fully public croquet lawn in north London.
The City is also encouraging the setting up of a club to help administer the new facility, to arrange introductory lessons for those new to the game and to organise competitions and other events.
Prospective croquet players are invited to a short information session at Golders Hill Park Tennis Hut at 11am this Saturday, April 19. All are welcome, particularly anyone interested in helping with the new club.
For more information phone the Heath Superintendent’s office on 020 7332 3322,
or email heathcroquet@ hotmail.co.uk
Hampstead Heath
Croquet Club, NW3