Letter box fiasco shows lack of common sense
• IT is unnerving to read (Bungle forces postmen to stoop and deliver, April 10) Liberal Democrat housing chief Councillor Chris Naylor’s comments that, “For future capital works schemes and situations, we will ensure that the letter box is [as] raised as possible to provide the greatest ease of use for postal workers.”
Such a cavalier attitude would seem to dismiss the health and wellbeing of postal workers and caretakers, and demonstrates a complete disregard of the guidance from the Health and Safety Executive about manual handling.
One can only assume this acceptance of sub-standard specification, design and installation was endorsed by managers.
The reality is that workers will have to cope with the consequences of this decision for decades, adding to the HSE statistics that “more than a third of all over-three-day injuries reported each year to HSE and local authorities are caused by manual handling”.
If, as the article said, “contractors got their maths wrong” then normal practice is for them to correct their mistake.
Sadly, this is not only a mathematical error but a demonstration of not using common sense. If you type in EN 13724 to Google the answer is there.
John Barnes
Chalton Street, NW1