We’ll not be soft on bad licensees
• I WAS horrified to read the story (The Worst Place in Camden to live, April 14) and the gross misrepresen-tation of what took place at the review hearing of the Hot Rock Café.
While it is true that police had called for the revocation of the licence, your story omitted to mention at the very start of the hearing the police started their representation by stating they had had several meetings with the premises owner who had already implemented all but one of the extra conditions they had requested. It was in their opening statement that the police went on to say it was probably no longer necessary for the review to take place.
The story also omitted any reference to my successful attempt to get the proprietor to agree to have the venting system thoroughly checked by a professional company, which I hoped would improve some of the problems that Mr Batchelor and Ms Baker had complained of in their representation.
Your story sent a message out to licensed premises across the borough that Camden will be soft on irresponsible licensees, which is not the case at all. Chastising the owner of the Hot Rock Café, I made it clear that a review hearing is extremely serious. The minutes of the meeting will provide a clear account.
Cllr Kirsty Roberts
Chair Licensing Panel D