Conway Hall rally for alternative policies
• NEW Labour’s attacks on working people have been unrelenting – the privatisation of our public services, cuts in real pay and conditions and a total failure to repeal the Tory anti-trade union laws.
In 11 years of Labour government Britain has become more unequal and more dominated by unaccountable and unelected private firms.
April 24 will see hundreds of thousands of teachers, lecturers and civil servants taking strike action and beginning to co-ordinate a fightback against these cuts. These workers deserve our support on their picket lines, at their demonstration and at rallies.
As trade unionists in Camden and central London we need a political alternative to the neo-liberal consensus of New Labour, the Tories and the Lib-Dems. For too long our support and funding for Labour has been rewarded with a kick in the teeth.
If you oppose neo-liberalism and war, and share our belief that another way is possible, based on solidarity and justice, then join us in creating an alternative. Mark Serwotka (general secretary of PCS civil servants union), Lindsey German (convener Stop the War Coalition) and Jane Loftus (president CWU postal workers’ union) will speak at a rally supporting the Left List on April 24 at 6:30pm at Conway Hall.
Mandy Berger Co-convener Camden Housing & Adult Social Care UNISON;
Andrew Baisley Membership Secretary Camden NUT;
Matt Saywell Treasurer Holborn GMB;
Val Pearman Branch Secretary, British Library PCS;
Anna Owens Branch Organiser Euston PCS;
Jim Wolfreys President King’s College UCU;
Merlin Reader Deputy Area Rep Mount Pleasant CWU;
Phoebe Watkins Co-convener Camden Housing & Adult Social Care UNISON;
Sandy Nicoll Secretary SOAS UNISON;
Sean Wallis Branch Secretary UCL UCU; Clare Solomon
President SOAS Students’ Union;
Liz Wheatley Camden Housing UNISON.
(All in personal capacity)