We’ll pay a high price for this glass and steel office block!
A historic market could be lost forever if a developer’s plans are approved at an inquiry, writes Paddy Pugh
A HIGH-PROFILE public inquiry is underway that will decide the fate of part of Smithfield Market. > more |
Graffiti fails Banksy test - SADLY, Islington Council can never win with people like Wally Burgess (Where do we draw the line – with Banksy? November 2). > more
City cash - I WOULD like to point out that the extra funding to allow Islington Computer Skills Centre to continue to operate until March next year was in fact provided... > more
Tasteful - AS a friend of Dainton Connell, I thank the Tribune on the tasteful way your articles have spoken of Dainton and the events surrounding his funeral... > more
Exorbitant parking fee - AS an octogenarian pensioner, I feel the monstrous confidence trick perpetrated on car owners should not go without comment. > more
Finding school cash - “IF there was an alternative way of finding funding for schools we would have done it,” says Alison Critchley, deputy head of Islington’s... > more
Invest in our future - CAN I congratulate Labour councillor Richard Watts for insisting that the Liberal Democrat-led council must put more money into youth services. > more
Third-class rail travel - IT’S good news that the new “London Overground” promises that North London line services through Canonbury, Highbury and Islington, and... > more
Axe this charge - IT should be noted that only 15 per cent of Islington’s 11,000 leaseholders voted “yes” on a proposal to create a borough-wide leaseholders’... > more
The art of lap dancing - IT is depressing how quickly the debate about redeveloping Archway has been reduced to a futile squabble between the several worthy... > more
Price of loyalty - BRIDGET Fox should be the last person to accuse someone of a lack of independent mindedness (MP toes party line, October 26). > more
Putting out rubbish - COUNCILLOR Lucy Watt claims the Green Party has been “misleading the public” over Islington’s recycling turning up in Indonesia... > more
Long wait for advice - THE Liberal Democrat council has promised to have a Citizens Advice Bureau up and running by April next year. I would like to know why it... > more
Windmill challenge - WITH great fanfare, the Liberal Democrats have opened a “green advice centre” in Upper Street, Islington. > more
Our day to remember - MAY I thank all those people who came to the Remembrance Day parade and inter-faith service on Sunday. The numbers attending were greater... > more
Help beat this killer - I WAS saddened to read about the tragic death of Samira Abdulazziz Ahmed to meningitis in January 2006, particularly after she was... > more |