Help beat this killer
• I WAS saddened to read about the tragic death of Samira Abdulazziz Ahmed to meningitis in January 2006, particularly after she was twice sent home from hospital with suspected gastroenteritis (Baby dies after doctors fail to spot meningitis symptoms, October 26). I lost my son Spencer to meningitis some time ago, and can well imagine the pain Samira’s family have suffered.
Meningitis UK has launched a Search 4 a Vaccine campaign. Scientists believe that with enough support, a meningococcal group B vaccine can be achieved within the next seven to 10 years. The aim is to raise £7 million to fund research.
If you would like to support our campaign, call Meningitis UK on 0117 373 7373 or visit www.meningitisUK.org.
Steve Dayman
Chief Executive,
Meningitis UK
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