Exorbitant parking fee
• AS an octogenarian pensioner, I feel the monstrous confidence trick perpetrated on car owners should not go without comment.
The outcome of the referendum on the proposed grading of resident parking fees, depending on engine capacity, had a foregone conclusion. The referendum was pointless and expensive, a balm to the council’s feeling of inadequacy.
The referendum gives the council’s proposal the appearance of a democratic decision.
I do not claim that I have not got a vested interest. I run a three-litre Alfa Romeo, which I largely use for long- distance journeys.
This is no monster, four-wheel drive. It is as eco- friendly as possible and a friend to stiff joints.
On this occasion, our council is profligate with our money and lacking in the courage of its convictions.
I will grumble but pay an exorbitant fee of £200 per annum to park outside my house. By contributing to the referendum I have been hoist by my own petard.
Jeremy Lawson
Canonbury Square, N1
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