The art of lap dancing
• IT is depressing how quickly the debate about redeveloping Archway has been reduced to a futile squabble between the several worthy groups seeking to “represent” those of us who live in Archway.
I expected little else from the main political parties, but I have been particularly disappointed by the campaigning of Better Archway Forum (BAF) whose spokeswoman Kate Calvert was defending her organisation last week (Where is hysteria? November 9).
BAF has set up an impressive website, made a great deal of noise and managed to achieve an impressive amount of self-publicity, but as a result it seems only to have alienated the organisers of the excellent Archway market, driven away many potential investors in the area and set themselves up as unelected, self-righteous spokesmen for the people who live in Archway.
Now it has turned its attention to stopping the proposed lap-dancing club at the Archway Tavern.
For decades, investors and developers have taken one look at N19 and dropped any idea of coming here – in no small part because irritating groups like BAF have complained that planning proposals for Archway don’t fit in with their personal desires.
Consequently, the state of the area is a scandal and in all probability will remain so for a long time. And what is BAF’s masterplan for the residents of Archway? Its website sums it up beautifully: “We are seeking a series of large, site-specific art installations. The aim is to improve perceptions of the area among users.”
Of course, that’s what we need. More art in Archway!
Perhaps if the owners of the Archway Tavern were to describe their lap-dancers as “site-specific art installations” BAF might decide to support them after all.
Joanne Chorley
Fairmead Road, N19
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