Graffiti fails Banksy test
• SADLY, Islington Council can never win with people like Wally Burgess (Where do we draw the line – with Banksy? November 2). The council has listened to residents who don’t want Banksy’s work removed and all Cllr Burgess can do is complain and say it is “uncomfortable”.
If people want it to stay, then good for them and good for the council for listening to them.
For years this borough was awash with flyposting and graffiti, and Cllr Burgess’s Labour colleagues who ran the council did sod all about it.
The last few years it has changed. The council has a great graffiti team who are wonderful at removing these eyesores in record time.
You cannot put tags and flyposting in the same league as Banksy’s “art”. Good on Islington for bringing some common sense to the Banksy debate.
Sandra Laing
Kelvin Road, N5
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