Only one site for a new school
School’s chief Cllr Andrew Mennear explains why Adelaide Road was chosen as the site for a new school
GIVEN a clean sheet of paper, and the ability to redesign the borough of Camden from scratch, one of the first things everyone would do would be to space out our secondary schools so that all our families have the chance to send their children to a local school...> more |
The north-south divide on schools
WE don’t wish to pour cold water on what appears to be an imaginative set of ideas proposed by the new Lib Dem and Tory coalition leaders on the future of our schools, but what on Earth got into their heads when they turned their backs on a new school for the south of the borough (see pages 6-7)?..> more
Debate on views of faith - I WAS very interested to read about Peter Lumsden and his different visions on Christianity in your newspaper ...> more
Dalby Street plans need to be stopped - THE application to close down Dalby Street at Talacre is causing great alarm not only locally but apparently throughout much of Camden..>more
Bishop leaving Camden is our gain, but is it Livingstone’s loss? - FOR the first time ever, I did not vote for Labour at the last local election..>more
Green spaces in danger - I AM a member of the North Camden Co-Op living in Margaret Road for the last five years.> more
Thanks for support on Carole House, but we’ve not won yet - I AM writing to thank the Camden New Journal and its readers, our friends and neighbours...> more
Please clean up Camden - I AM quite sure that I am not the only person in Camden who is pretty irritated by the drug image that Camden has become...> more
Police need to take back control of lawless streets - I WRITE in support of courageously outspoken Yasmin Allen who came forward to expose the appalling situation ...> more
We are talking - I AM writing further to your recent articles and letters on the redevelopment of the Waites Houses in Priory Road, Camden...> more
Bendy is good - Bendy buses have played a key role in the success of London’s public transport since 2000 (Driving us round the bend, September 7)... > more
Why are we waiting? - WE are wondering if this is a record, even for Camden Council?...> more
Hard work guaranteed success of family event - I AM delighted you chose to report last week the fantastic family event held at the new 3 Point Park in Highgate Newtown...> more
We will be boxing clever for charity - WE are four competitors from local solicitors Hodge Jones and Allen who have entered a white-collar boxing event on Friday November 3 to raise money for charity...> more