Why are we waiting?
• WE are wondering if this is a record, even for Camden Council?
We telephoned the Development Control team of this ‘flagship’ Council’s environment department in February, to complain about several aspects of the building work in progress immediately adjoining our house. To give just one example, the developer’s men were often starting noisy work at 7.30 a.m. and continuing some days as late as 9.30pm weekends included.
The individual we spoke to promised to pass our concerns to the relevant planning officer who, he promised, would contact us “in a few days”.
T hat was early in February. A fortnight later, when we had heard nothing, we wrote to the individual, setting out the points we had raised with him on the phone.
A week passed and we still hard nothing, so we wrote a personal letter, for the attention of the Director of the Environment Department. We then received a stereotyped acknowledgement of our ‘enquiry’ advising us that the matter was being dealt with and we would receive a response by the 16 March. When we heard nothing more we wrote in May to the leader of the then Conservative opposition, enclosing copies of this one-sided correspondence and seeking his advice.
By the time Mr Piers Wauchope replied he was no longer a councillor and regretted he was powerless to help. Since then we have written twice to the present Leader of the Council, Mr Keith Moffitt, on July 19 and September 10.
Mr Moffitt is apologetic and says he has asked the Director of Environment and Culture to investigate the points we first raised in February.
In his second letter he assures us that those issues are being investigated as a matter of urgency. You may not be surprised to hear that we are still waiting.
Are we alone, we wonder, in thinking that seven months is an entirely unreasonable time to wait for some action?
Mornington Place
NW1 |