Bishop leaving Camden is our gain, but is it Livingstone’s loss?
• For the first time ever, I did not vote for Labour at the last local election.
The main reason for that was my disgruntlement at the botched-up planning decisions in Camden for which I blamed Labour and their planning department and many others felt the same.
Personally I was upset about the way they handled the Prince of Wales Swimming Baths affair and the Dalby Street planning application for a seven-storey building on Talacre.
I helped oust Labour because I wanted to put a stop to all the shenanigans that had been going on.
With Peter Bishop still in charge, however, new leaders did not seem to have been able to prevent him and his department from promoting an appalling application to stop-up Dalby Street (Dalby Street plans will cause us chaos, September 28).
Your item (Culture chief quits Town Hall, September 28) is worrying in as much as Peter Bishop will now be working very closely with Mayor Ken Livingstone in planning the rest of London.
Maitland Park Road, NW3
• PETER Bishop quitting his job as Environment and Culture Director to become adviser to Mayor Ken Livingstone may be good news for us, but calls into question the Mayor’s judgement (Culture chief quits Town Hall, September 28).
Bishop’s latest decision to back the seven-storey building scheme and road closure at Dalby Street threatens to leave a lasting legacy of poor road management at Talacre and environs (Dalby Street plans will cause us chaos, September 28).
Watch out, Ken. You might aspire to do what is right for London, but watch your advisers very carefully indeed.
Grafton Terrace, NW1
• YOUR announcement that Peter Bishop, the infamous Planning Director responsible for overseeing Swiss Cottage and pushing a similar type of solution at the Kentish Town Swimming Baths and at Talacre, is quitting the Town Hall is welcome news (Culture Chief quits Town Hall, September 28).
But wait a minute, he has apparently been offered a job as chief adviser to Ken Livingstone.
Blimey! What next?
Downshire Hill NW3 |