Thanks for support on Carole House, but we’ve not won yet
• I AM writing to thank the Camden New Journal and its readers, our friends and neighbours, for their tremendous help and support for our campaign to save our homes in Carole House on the Oldfield Estate (War hero’s victory in battle to keep flat, September 28).
On September 27 Central and Cecil’s chairman told us their proposal had been defeated by the strength of opposition by tenants and Camden Council’s withdrawal of support for their proposal.
But you were right to warn us to be vigilant. It is too soon to celebrate.
On the day we heard the news we had ‘won’, we received a letter from Central and Cecil Director of Operations Kathy Crowle informing us that they would continue their campaign for extra care.
The next day the campaign started with a news bulletin saying they would be “helping tenants to understand extra care”.
For we tenants, the Central and Cecil proposal for extra care provision on the Oldfield Estate has become totally synonymous with the loss of our homes.
For the past five months Central and Cecil have bombarded tenants with bulletins, personal interviews and surveys, trying to persuade tenants to give up their homes for extra care so that they can rebuild Carole House.
So why this continued persecution by Central and Cecil of their elderly tenants? We are exhausted. Local GP practices have written, raising concern over the levels of stress being felt by their patients on the Oldfield Estate.
We believe that Central and Cecil have been totally remiss in their duty of care by their one-sided view and the methods they have employed to push through their proposals at all costs.
We have written to Cllr Chris Naylor, Executive Member for Housing, to Jon Rouse, Chief Executive of the Housing Corporation and Dorry McLaughlin, Chief Executive of the Central and Cecil Housing Trust asking them to confirm that the Housing Corporation funding allocated for the Central and Cecil proposal for the Oldfield Estate has been completely withdrawn and reallocated and that the homes of all tenants are safe and that we can be left in peace.
Carole Action Team
• Your leader about Carole House and the rejection of the ‘extra-care’ flats scheme warned that the scheme may be put forward at another time (A well-fought battle – but be vigilant, September 28).
The intention to provide extra-care flats was well motivated as the cramped bedsits at present occupied there make support for those in declining health difficult, and there is the question of funding.
People in sheltered flats are not inhabitants of an old people’s home, and have security of tenure as the public treasury funds the schemes, as it does those operated by Camden Council.
The St Pancras-Humanist Association is now completing the conversation of Mora Burdett House for extra care at Swiss Cottage, their tenants having been resettled amicably.
There is a problem proven for an enhanced service for those requiring virtual 24-hour attention due to ill health. The Central and Cecil House Association board will need to be mindful that their homes are secure, and for life.
Hopefully they will learn from the unease created by the rejection, as the needs will increase due to an ageing population.
Meanwhile Camden could do with that £238 millions withheld by Whitehall when the ALMO was rejected.
Deteriorating public stock played a part in the fall of the Labour group last May.
Prince of Wales Road, NW1 |