The only way out of this mess is to engage Hamas in dialogue
Leslie Baruch Brent, onetime child refugee from Hitler’s Germany whose family was murdered by Nazis, protests: ‘I am a Jew. Stop this ghastly slaughter, Israel’ > more |
Bikers, blue means go - BIKERS beware! As you probably know, Transport for London (TfL) has launched an 18-month trial allowing motorcycles in red route bus lanes. > more
Dust-up at school site - WHY does Islington allow developers to flout environmental and planning regulations? > more
Five smile on Obama - BARACK Obama recently attended a memorial service held for his grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, a woman who helped to raise him and who... > more
Cards will do nicely - NOBODY has ever said that identity cards would stop a terrorist attack in its tracks (Terror card a bad idea, December 24). What they will do... > more |