Dust-up at school site
• WHY does Islington allow developers to flout environmental and planning regulations?
In St Peter’s ward the latest example is at the Islington Green School site, where there was insufficient damping down of dust during demolition. Residents living in the immediate vicinity, and the school pupils, were then subjected to unacceptable levels of dust and pollution.
I have only just become aware that the developers actually have a duty to clean our cars and windows on request. When and how was this information originally communicated to local people?
To compound the situation further, inadequate protection was given to the trees on the site during construction work at the school. Large bags were actually stacked up against the trees and were only removed following a complaint.
A worrying pattern on planning and the environment seems to be emerging, particularly in the south of the borough, where there is such a concentration of development. Why are the developers, unlike local residents, apparently being allowed to override and breach planning and environmental regulations and policies?
It would be helpful if local people could be given information (through the Tribune) of the monitoring processes implemented by the planning department and in particular how these breaches were allowed to happen on the Islington Green School site.
I look forward to reading its response.
Katie Rowan