Gaza: Nobody can win so give peace a chance
• ONCE again the peace “process” in the Middle East is “on hold”. This process has delivered nothing in decades.
Although Israel has greater fire power it cannot win. The only means would be a final solution of totally “cleansing” Gaza with the resultant reflection in the mirror of its own Holocaust. Hamas cannot win either, for every one Israeli killed, three Palestinians have died since the start of the intifada, which in turn leads to such resentment that the Palestinians radicalise further. Unfortunately, both sides need to recognise this, and act on it simultaneously for peace to have any hope of becoming a reality.
Both sides have a right to self defence, but both sides are inciting the other, deliberately, to violence way in excess of anything that can be considered restrained in any way, leading to these escalations of rockets and bombs.
Israel needs European markets for its goods, Palestine needs European aid. Yet the will is not being shown at national or European levels to use the levers of power (and arms sales to Israel) available to us, to effectively knock heads together. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called on Gordon Brown to condemn both sides’ tactics, not just the Palestinians’. Only with such an evenhanded approach does hope have any chance in this situation.
Mike Heeneman
Seven Sisters Road, N4
• I WANT to thank you for having Gaza as a front-page article and a large part of page 2, with photographs (Gaza witness: ‘Children huddle as bombs drop’, January 16).
I realise that this is because it featured Medical Aid for Palestine and volunteers from Islington. Nevertheless, I feel proud that my local paper gives space to such an important international issue. I always recommend your paper for its wide and intelligent coverage and this is especially commendable. I was so distressed when the Israeli bombardment of Gaza began that I wrote a letter to Foreign Secretary David Miliband, and took it in person to the Foreign Office in Whitehall. Putting a letter in the post didn’t seem an option.
In my letter I deplored the “even-handed” approach of the government towards the Israel-Palestine problem, when clearly Israel has so much more power. I begged Mr Miliband to make it clear to Israel that the occupation of Palestinian land and stranglehold of Gaza, even during the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, was and is the root of the problem.
The attacks have continued and so have the rockets and the media repeatedly remind us of Israel’s inalienable right to protect its citizens. It is difficult to deny this, until one considers that perhaps Israel has forfeited that right by its treatment of the Palestinians for many years. As Mr Miliband said, in a BBC interview, a political solution is necessary.
Molly McConville
Gibson Square, N1
• I WOULD never object to your coverage of readers’ opinions, but I would like you to provide some balance.
Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 unconditionally, leaving the inhabitants to govern themselves, and they celebrated with gunfire. Israeli settlements were dismantled, again without condition and with great resistance from the settlers in formerly uninhabited land, to be met again with celebratory fire from people who refuse to accept that peace is a possibility.
This is not acceptable when every attempt at peace from Israel has been met with outright violence.
• THE tragic events unfolding in Gaza have shocked people around the world. Like many of the people who’ve contacted me about this, I am appalled at the totally disproportionate response of the Israeli government to the ending of the ceasefire. Liberal Democrat MPs and campaigners are working hard to ensure the government does not let Israel get away with this.
I am working with my Liberal Democrat colleagues to petition the Foreign Secretary to do all he can to ensure a lasting peace for both the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Gordon Brown and the Labour government have refused to condemn Israel for far too long. Brown must also halt Britain’s arms exports to Israel, and persuade our EU counterparts to do the same. The government’s own figures show Britain is selling more and more weapons to Israel, despite the questions about the country’s use of force.
Only the Liberal Democrats stood up for the people of Islington when Labour took us to war in Iraq; and now the government has refused to tell Israel its actions are wrong.
Together we can show the government just how strongly local people feel about this issue. That is why I am asking readers to sign the petition at http://campaigns.libdems.org.uk/Gaza today. The more people who sign my petition, the louder the voices of local people against Israel’s actions.
Bridget Fox
Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, Islington South and Finsbury
• LAST week I had a desperate message from my courageous friend, a surgeon, who is trying to get back into Gaza to help the maimed, seriously injured and dying Palestinians, and assist the exhausted medics in Gaza. With 50 other volunteer doctors, for the previous few days she had been prevented by the Israelis from crossing from Egypt to Yibna refugee camp and the rest of Gaza.
From the other side of the wall separating Gaza from Egypt I have received heartbreaking messages from our friends in Yibna. They’ve told me that their houses are being bombed, their friends and family killed indiscriminately – men, women, children, all civilians – in this catastrophic slaughter.
The infrastructure, including power, sewage, many schools, medical centres and mosques, is smashed beyond repair. The phone system no longer operates and the last words were: “I’m not home now. I left. They attacked two houses close to my house.” Minutes later a text: “I want to get out from here…”
Doctor Sonia’s last message to me was: “We cannot claim we did not know… we are all complicit in these events.” It is therefore especially important that we in Islington continue to help our friends in Gaza. Please contact Islington Friends of Yibna to volunteer and support the people in Yibna at PO Box 58246 London N1 2UE, or telephone 07977 490415 or email Islington_Yibna@yahoo.co.uk.
Rob Langlands
Secretary, Islington Friends of Yibna