Arrested MP was simply protecting our way of life
THE abuse of time and expense in our democratic society, wherein counter-terrorism officers arrested an MP (for nine hours as well as having four addresses searched), is a travesty of justice.
The man was simply doing his job and protecting our democratic way of life. This is not a party political matter. Damian Green was delivering a message to the public regardless of whether the public or the government approve of that message. It is what he is elected to do.Have we forgotten what it means to have...> more |
Beating the loan sharks - I WAS pleased to read that Islington Council is pledging to increase its support for Islington and City Credit Union, the local ...>more
Puff goes recession - AT a time of economic confusion, might we now decriminalise the drugs trade? This hugely profitable business, if liable to taxation, would ...>more
Make it a green yule - THIS Christmas it’s more important than ever to think about buying recycled products, as the markets for our recycled paper are shrinking. >more
Ladele and justice’s arc - THE arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” Nineteenth-century Unitarian minister Theodore Parker coined these...>more
Towers will be eyesore - I ENDORSE the two letters last week about the inadequacy of the public consultation and the features of Arsenal’s revised plans for the...>more
Is anyone listening? - WHEN you look at the Vision for Islington Primary Care Trust (PCT) document you will discover that local people in 2013 will be healthier ...>more |