Is anyone listening?
WHEN you look at the Vision for Islington Primary Care Trust (PCT) document you will discover that local people in 2013 will be healthier and live longer.
It is stated that then “the PCT is committed to strengthening the voice of patients and the public in prevention, health promotion and treatment services”. Patients at Finsbury Health Centre ask why their voices cannot be heard now.
PCT chief executive Rachel Tyndall has admitted there is considerable concern by local people about the closure of the two large GP services and other thoroughly used services.
Figures showing how the sale of the health centre would be cost effective and benefit local people have been promised since the beginning of summer, but to date have not been forthcoming.
The PCT has identified increased engagement with patients and the public as a priority, and has committed to do this via a “new communications, engagement and marketing strategy”.
In answer to this, I quote Robin Cook: “We need not accept the paradox that gives us more ways than ever to speak, and leaves the public with a wider feeling than ever before that their voices are not being heard.”
Those who believe Finsbury Health Centre should remain can sign a petition addressed to Heath Secretary Alan Johnson at www.savefhc.org.uk or www.gopetition.co.uk/
petitions/stop-the-sell-off-of-the-finsbury-health-centre.html or
You can write to the Campaign to Save the Finsbury Health Centre, c/o Barbara Heinzen, 18 Wilmington Square WC1X OER
Andrew da Silva
Percival Street