Take your partners...
• SINCE we lost Islington Irish Centre many years ago many people ask where they can go for a really good dance night. Well, for one of the best ceilis in north London you can’t beat the London Irish Centre, in Murray Street, Camden Town.
For those who don’t know what a ceili is, let me explain. It is a traditional Irish dance and not, for example, like the Michael Flatley Riverdance. Nor is it a step dance done by so many schools of Irish dancing, often in fancy uniforms.
Ceili dancing involves everyone who wants to join in having a good time, from the young to the not so young. At our events we make sure everyone takes part, but first we teach the basic steps needed to move around the floor.
We usually have a band or taped music. Ceili is a great form of exercise and good for keeping fit. We’re a friendly bunch, open to all nationalities, religions and ages. It costs about £3 to £4 for the evening and you don’t have to bring a partner.
Our ceili is held every Sunday from 8pm to 11pm. We are holding a Christmas ceili party on Sunday, December 14, with music from Tony Kearney from Cork. Admission is only £4.
Anton Coyle
Despard Road, N1 |