United in fighting any form of discrimination
ISLINGTON’S Conservatives attended July's council executive meeting, and listened to Councillor Catherine West legitimately question Councillor Terry Stacy on the categorisation of public toilets as green space in Islington.
I was subsequently shocked to hear (Political war of words over sex and ‘innuendo’, August 8) that Cllr West has been hauled in front of the... > more |
Holy Bible lessons? - YOUR correspondent (Letters, August 1) says: “If every person was allowed to live his or her life according only to those... > more
Crocodile tears - IT is wonderful to see new council homes being built for the first time in a generation (Homes for families on the waiting list... > more
Ban dogs - DOG fouling has been universally condemned and I welcome Islington Council’s initiative to deter offenders with fines of £80. > more
Cyclists are a menace - I MUST add my voice to protests against cyclists, the vast majority of whom are a menace. > more
Mental health system institutionally racist - IT’S hard to explain to white readers how the black community feel about plans to scrap Lambo. > more |