Hellfire sermon
• I HAVE been following the Lillian Ladele story for ages.
Ms Ladele was working for the council as a registrar, knowing what was coming, and uses this opportunity it to preach her own hellfire sermon on the mount of contradictions she obviously wobbles on.
And I correctly, as did others, like Emily Thornberry MP, quoted the appropriate passages from Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
As an atheist I try not to laugh out loud at this revisionist and reactionary interpretation of modern “liberal” legislation over homosexuals.
Is Ms Ladele aware the homosexuality existed before civil partnerships and as I know it the ancient Greeks had a “gay” regiment thousands of years ago. Does Ms Ladele hope to stem this “immoral act” by preaching, in Islington, stuff that even Gutenberg would not have bothered to print?
At a time when Iran agreed to end the barbaric act of stoning a women for “alleged” adultery (only witness needed a husband, who won’t pay a lawyer for a decent divorce), we have fundamentalist Christians wanting to take us all back to middle ages.
Europe used to export its religious “puritans” to the “colonies”.
Maybe this is payback?
What has impressed me is the argument for and against the homophobic case made by the clergy.
I bet Ms Ladele’s actions (funded in part by American Christian fundamentalists) have not stopped one act of sodomy, or a civil partnership.
I for one, who live right next to the town hall have seen no change in gay and lesbian couples, often attended by “straight” friends and relatives enjoying the ceremony and all its glory of rice-throwing and dressing up… and long may that be so.
Ms Ladele, who is fond of invoking the scriptures to suit her argument, should read Mark: Judge not that thy be not judged… take the mote out of thine own eye? So we can all get good night’s sleep.
address supplied, N1