Crocodile tears
• IT is wonderful to see new council homes being built for the first time in a generation (Homes for families on the waiting list, August 8).
I visited the Armour Close site last week and can’t wait to see the finished homes. And I’m working with Liberal Democrat MPs across the country to help councils like Islington get the resources to build more of the homes local people need.
Back in March, MPs voted on proposals that the government should give financial support to councils “to acquire, rehabilitate and build new housing”.
The move was backed by Liberal Democrat MPs plus “rebel” Labour MPs, including Jeremy Corbyn.
He put Islington first on this vital issue.
But where was Emily Thornberry? Voting with the rest of the Gordon Brown fan-club, against new money to help Islington build new homes. Islington’s homeless families need more than crocodile tears from their MP. They need action.
Islington South & Finsbury