Close door on demolition of old mansion
Athlone House’s owner must abide by an agreement that protects the building’s future, argues Jeremy Wright
THE Athlone House Working Group, representing local residents’ organisations, understands that David Cooper, the solicitor acting for the new owner... > more |
Frankly, my Darling, you’ve got it all wrong
NEW Labour is dead. Old Labour is back. It’s back to tax and spend. These were the headlines on Tuesday following Chancellor Darling’s emergency pre-budget report.
To some extent the pundits got it right. But not quite.
It all depends on what is going on in Darling’s mind. > more
High standards and best practice will be followed - I WANT to reiterate my sadness at Mr Kennedy’s tragic death and my sympathies to Mr Kennedy’s relatives and... > more
Need to think ahead next time you break your leg - EVERYBODY has heard a Royal Free Hospital story. Here’s my experience. > more
Consultation over wharf plans seem waste of time - I ATTENDED the public consultation at the Castlehaven Community Centre on the Hawley Wharf... > more
King’s Cross consultation failed to deliver - ALAN Patterson (Letters November 20), commenting on my Forum article calling for a more democratic King’s Cross... > more
Co-op has the power of its membership and its tradition - PAUL Braithwaite (New-look Co-op? November 20) should know that this shop is a consumer co-operative... > more
Visually impaired in search of a millionaire or two - WITH the help of my writing frame I can write this letter, but I cannot read it. > more
Bus thanks - VERY many thanks to the kind people who lifted me from the floor of a No 29 “bendy” bus at around 5.10pm on Friday October 31. > more
Review hit - CONGRATULATIONS to Fiona Green on her excellent and interesting review (Masud Khan – inside the mind of a brilliant, flawed analyst, November 20). > more
Taxing problems - I SEE my MP Frank Dobson gave fulsome thanks to the chancellor for this week’s so-called tax giveaway – he still seems touchingly gullible when... > more
Big green voting questions - I HAVE used the Talacre Open Space for some 40 years. It has meant the world to me and my family. > more
Sign up today and help transform a life - EVERY day, people lose loved ones, and often we long for some good to come from that loss. > more
Parking permit policy is unfair - EXCELLENT sleuthing again (‘Boost income’ from parking, November 20) exposing Camden’s secret conversations over their... > more
Safer with Big Brother? - JOHNNY Bucknell’s Forum advocates the police should use their stop and search powers with “impeccable” politeness. > more
Cruel luxury - FRENCH markets are opening up in various areas of the borough and giving a welcome degree of diversity and colour. > more
Politics of post offices - I’M sure, like me, many of your readers will have been surprised to read about the current MP’s sudden backing for our post offices. > more
Visiting ‘the pictures’ is not what it used to be - CITIZEN Alan Brien’s comments on cinema-goers’ chairs flipping up as they left apparently not impressed with... > more
Red not grey - SHOCK was my reaction to the inaccuracy of John Gulliver’s article (Squirrels are the dish of the day, November 6). > more |