Consultation over wharf plans seem waste of time
• I ATTENDED the public consultation at the Castlehaven Community Centre on the Hawley Wharf development and I am afraid despite the council planners’ presentation and answers to residents’ concerns I came away feeling that it was all a waste of time (Developers buy £17m of canalside properties, November 13).
This opinion is based on previous planning decisions made by Camden Council in the Camden Lock area, that is, the monstrosity of Gilgamesh, the dwarfing of the Horse Hospital by the new Stables development and the farce of retrospective planning on the Stags Head pub and now on the Gilbeys Yard development.
When it comes to developers’ versus local residents’ interest, it appears Camden seem to roll over most times in favour of the developers. So much so, in the opinion of residents, Camden’s dealings with developers are ether naïve, incompetent or even worse. The very nature of developers means they are only in it for the money and will use any means they can to capitalise on their investment regardless of the disruption and long-term chaos it causes to people who live in the area.
Yes, without a doubt, parts of this site needs developing but among its premises are listed buildings and ongoing business, (it included the biggest plumbers merchants in the area), which all serve the local community. The overwhelming feeling at the meeting was one thing we definitely do not want on any part of this site are more pubs, clubs or licensed premises which would extend the nightlife culture of Camden Town and the Lock into a highly residential area with all the problems that will undoubtedly ensue.
Piers Codling a director of Camden Market Holdings makes the reported statement on the ownership of the site: “We don’t own all of it. We bought them on their own individual merit. It is all income-producing land, and there may be a possibility that development may happen.”
Local residents and Camden planners take heed of the old saying “watch this space” and do so very, very carefully.
Billy Osborne
Clarence Way, NW1 |