Co-op has the power of its membership and its tradition
• PAUL Braithwaite (New-look Co-op? November 20) should know that this shop is a consumer co-operative owned by members of the Co-operative Group and that for a pound he could also be a member and could have attended last month’s north London members’ meeting at the University of Westminster and raised his concern with the regional management team and a national board member.
Members can also stand for election to the area committee where such local issues are addressed, also there is no need to be looking to head office (in Manchester) when the local regional office can be easily contacted on the web.
The Co-op has member power, and members can get things done; I know because I was involved in drawing management’s attention to restoring this site (Kentish Town Road) to being a Co-operative shop after it had been in private hands for some years.
Councillor Braithwaite should also understand the Co-op doesn’t need to be shamed by the likes of him in order to get things done; its proud record as a fair trade pioneer, its role as an ethical banker and the reputation of its funeral services are just some of the reasons the Co-op membership take pride in what has been achieved.
Fred Broughton
Harrison Street, WC1 |