It’s time for a People’s Bank run through our post offices
Communication Workers Union general secretary Billy Hayes argues it is well within the government’s power to answer the demand for secure banking
THE government should establish... > more |
The economy’s in meltdown: let’s skim off the elderly
MESSAGES of doom and gloom pour out of city pundits, economists and sometimes politicians: the nation is in a financial mess, and few can escape the blast of despair.
But one part of the population has lived with despair for years – the elderly. While most Britons have enjoyed a high level of prosperity since the late 1990s, even though it was founded on the treacherous foundation of easy credit and debt, the majority of the elderly have scraped along on a pittance of a pension compared to their counterparts in other major economies in the EU. > more
Town Hall’s quiet panic over lower parking revenues - THE secretive changes in Camden’s parking department uncovered are worthy of further examination... > more
Why was this estate singled out for PFI, evictions and demolition? - RECENTLY Councillors Chris Naylor and James King wrote to residents on Maiden... > more
Rising care charges threaten the weak - AGE Concern in Camden have good reason to be worried about the impact of homecare charges on the elderly in Camden... > more
Carry on cycling - IT is wonderful Alan Bennett can at last cycle lawfully in Regent’s Park’s Broad Walk. > more
Support for in-house caretakers is welcome and a morale booster - IT appears that one of your correspondents has chosen to make a personal attack on our deputy... > more
Privatisation of the health service would be a complete and utter waste - IT was refreshing to read of Sir Robert Naylor’s opposition to privatisation of the... > more
Alterations to plan - THE highly trumpeted Kentish Town “newly refurbished canopies” in a Liberal Democrat newsletter that I have just received, covers over what the... > more
Key role for David Ramsey tribute - ON October 21, a much loved member of our community, David Ramsey, was laid to rest. > more
Pain in neck no more… - FURTHER to the letter from I Kemp (Hospital pain in neck, October 16), concerning the positioning of the seating and number machine... > more
Anatomy of sexuality - A LONG overdue subject in schools is anatomy which, of course, includes gender. > more |