Carry on cycling
• IT is wonderful Alan Bennett can at last cycle lawfully in Regent’s Park’s Broad Walk.
It is great that the Royal Parks have agreed to the extended second trial of cycling there, as it is a really charming place to cycle, with no problems sharing the wide space with pedestrians.
Although your article seemed to say that The Royal Parks oppose this sort of thing, in fact they are very pleased to permit it. They want more and more cyclists to continue riding there in order to justify their decision: if not enough cyclists use the space, the parks people may decide to shut it down.
So cyclists, please use the Broad Walk! It’s a calming, joyful space! Children will find it especially good as it is just hilly enough to give some free-wheeling, but not too hard to go back up. I congratulate the Royal Parks and Camden Cycling Campaign for the co-operative way in which they have negotiated this trial.
Lionel Shapiro, NW3
• IT was good to see that you ran the picture of Alan Bennett looking delighted to be pedalling on Regent’s Park Broad Walk, but it didn’t match the words (Author’s anger as cyclists are driven beyond the fringe, October 23).
Far from being angry, Mr Bennett kindly agreed to be photographed beside The Royal Parks’ poster welcoming the cycling/ pedestrian shared use scheme on the Broad Walk during an 18-month trial.
A previous trial was deemed inconclusive because not enough cyclists had used the route. Mr Bennett, who has expressed the modest wish to be able to cycle through Regent’s Park and Primrose Hill without threat of prosecution during his lifetime, accepted Camden Cycling Campaign’s request to help publicise safe and considerate cycling on the Broad Walk during the trial.
Anne Boston
inkerman Road, NW5 |