Support for in-house caretakers is welcome and a morale booster
• IT appears that one of your correspondents has chosen to make a personal attack on our deputy Unison convener Liz Wheatley, who had assisted us in writing the letter concerning the low morale of Camden’s caretakers (They’re not performing, October 23).
I would like to point out that our letter was written from our personal experience as Camden caretakers reflecting the views of the colleagues who we represent as Unison shop stewards.
Your correspondent also appeared to be under some illusion as to how much we earn. We certainly do not earn between £22,000 and £28,000. The average salary of a caretaker is just over £19,000 and Camden’s estate cleaners earn as little as £14,000. Many of our members have young families to support on these low wages.
If the West Hampstead pilot is successful, it would include replacing our valued Camden’s estate cleaners with the more costly Veolia counterpart.
Sadly the “not performing” letter does demonstrate some of the negativity that we face during in our daily working lives.
Unfortunately it not only the physical detritus that Camden caretakers and cleaners collect while on duty. Is it surprising that our spirits occasionally are low?
Of course, if our residents do have complaints about the present service that they are receiving, there is a straightforward complaints procedure – which we feel would be a lot more complex and less effective if the service becomes semi- privatised.
Sadly, some of our residents in the West Hampstead district are already discovering this as a result of the pilot scheme.
Perhaps it is also important to remember that even if Camden would be saving money by using a private contractor, which we don’t believe to be the case, it is most unlikely that this would be reflected in the amount that our residents pay for their caretaking service.
Indeed we feel that our residents may end up paying more for a lot less if a private cleaning contractor is introduced throughout the borough.
We are, of course, grateful for the majority of Camden residents who appreciate the often difficult work that we do carry out on their estates.
Their support in the struggle to retain the in-house caretaking service is important to us, as well as being a morale-booster!
Dave Gingold
Shop Steward, Camden Town Unison |