Council defends move to recruit reformed ‘LA Blood’
FORMER gang members are being recruited into paid jobs by council chiefs in the battle to beat youth crime. > more |
‘A lot of your friends from gangs are six feet under and you start to wonder if it’s worth it’
He ran with the notorious Bloods gang in LA – now Nakuja Guyan is working to turn Camden’s youths away from crime
MOST of Nakuja Guyan’s friends are dead. Of the 40 or so guys he grew up with in West Covina, Los Angeles, he can count those still living on his two hands; those not in prison he can count on one. > more |
‘It’s brought youngsters together’- ORGANISERS of the Unity Cup have paid tribute to youngsters who created a shrine to Daniel Noel. > more
Could your pitch impress the new PCT ‘Dragons’? - IT is the fearsome television show where celebrity business leaders can dash the dreams... > more
How would you impress the PCT dragons? - Veteran broadcaster Joan Bakewell said:
“I would use the money to improve people’s lives in Camden... > more
Destruction of mini-meadow clears the way for a dogs’ toilet - FOR two years, Mila Griebel and her son Aleksander had been doing their bit to make... > more
‘Computer chaos puts patients at risk’ warning - A DAMNING report into weeks of computer chaos at the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead... > more
The cast is crocked – but the show must go on! - TO lose one member of your theatre company might be regarded as a misfortune – to lose three... > more
‘Libraries are on borrowed time’ - A LEADING libraries campaigner has spoken of his disappointment at what he believes is “closure of libraries... > more
Coroner rules that man’s death was ‘inexplicable’ - THE family of 35-year old Leigh Bowles were told his death was “inexplicable” at St Pancras... > more
Newcomers have first taste of life at the big school - THE sometimes painful switch from primary to secondary school was made that little bit... > more
Lamp-post safety bill £750,000 - MORE than 550 lamp-posts across the borough have been condemned as unsafe and are being replaced... > more
Camden through the eyes of a 10-year-old - MORE police on the streets and less anti-social behaviour sound more like the suggestions of a... > more
‘New powers for Mayor Boris will damage Met’ - TOO much power over policing in the hands of Boris Johnson could damage both the Met and the... > more
Youth mag aiming to ‘entercate’ its readers - “ENTERTAIN first, educate second,” is the ethos of a new youth magazine. > more
£20,000 for church from mystery donor - A MYSTERY benefactor has stumped up £20,000 to replace two stained-glass windows at historic... > more
New priest’s on the move to ‘fascinating’ Camden - A PRIEST set to take over at a Camden Town church has described the area as “the most... > more |