Why we must protect rights of this modern day ‘conchie’
Lillian Ladele followed a long
history of conscientious objectors who have stood up for their rights when she refused to conduct civil
partnership ceremonies, writes Rev Dr Jeremy Hobson
DON'T get me wrong, it must be a very hard thing to be the government. Local or national, the job of making decisions and bringing about “progress” is an unenviable task. Just ask Islington Council, whose plans to force all of their registrars to... > more |
The miracle cure in a poisoned chalice
THE miracle cure for so-called dole and benefit scroungers – the blueprint the minister James Purnell unveiled on Monday – has been given gung-ho headlines, especially in the tabloids.
It is bound to affect thousands of people in Camden, and elsewhere.
They are soon to discover that while they are... > more
Heath swimmers owe much to John Stephenson - IT is with great regret that I and other members of the Mixed Pond Action Group learned of... > more
In the 1970s the whole area was buzzing with ideas - GILLIAN Arnold makes a good point (Address the cultural, not just knife problems... > more
The sports centre’s future is safe - CAMDEN Council can reassure Sport England and all New Journal readers that the future of... > more
It’s unrealistic to call for wage restraint as prices rise - AS John Mills says, financial services have boomed over the years and it’s been at the... > more
Area forum was evening of political brainwashing - WHAT purpose do the council’s area forums serve? > more
Did they realise the association was facing a crisis? - IN response to K McCarthy’s letter (Regeneration and the death of a community association... > more
Tree care - I APPLAUD Camden Council’s planning and licensing team for working so diligently to protect and preserve my local environment. > more
Face- to-face on the buses - METROLINE'S route controller for the C11, Steven Goodwin has hit upon one of the great truths of business... > more
Helping Mugabe - ROBERT Mugabe has been punished for his land reform with severe economic sanctions for nearly 10 years. > more
Case shows duplicity and muddle of retirement law - YOUR article about Jill Banerjee – the “face of Camden’s libraries” – points up well the... > more
The right to a job - UNDER the Employment Equality Age Regulations 2006, which our Parliament rubber-stamped in March 2006 and which... > more
Advice work goes on - THANKS to loyal supporters who turned out on a rainy Friday evening to attend the Camden Town Neighbourhood... > more
The need for access - CAMPAIGNING to have an alternative entrance to the new King’s Cross development, by extending Wharfdale Road... > more
No loss of playground - FURTHER to your article (Pupils would lose third of their playground space, July 10), I wanted to write... > more
A bridge too much? - MORE than 70 people turned out to a public meeting next door to King’s Cross station where residents and workers in... > more
Dedication - FURTHER to the Edith Neville debate, I also worked... > more |