Area forum was evening of political brainwashing
• WHAT purpose do the council’s area forums serve?
Certainly the latest Kentish Town meeting (July 21) was little more than a propaganda fest for Liberal Democrat councillors. I’d really question whether the council officers who were present could claim any semblance of retaining political impartiality given the claptrap that was spouted by councillors.
First, Councillor Ralph Scott once again propagated the myths about Kentish Town police station. No doubt so he can produce a leaflet at some point soon claiming to have “saved” it. In fact Kentish Town police station has never been threatened with permanent closure. The proposal has only ever been to shut it temporarily for refurbishment. I for one would like my local bobbies to have proper facilities so they can do a better job.
Not to be outdone by his colleague, Councillor Alexis Rowell, our eco champion (whatever that means), claimed that the pilot of door-to-door recycling on Camden’s housing estates had ended. Well Cllr Rowell, maybe you should check with the environment lead Mike Greene as the pilot didn’t come to its natural, timetabled, end. Camden cut it early without it ever being given a chance to bed in and work properly. In doing so it denied thousands of Camden’s residents the chance to recycle easily.
I couldn’t stomach a whole evening of political brainwashing so I left. All the while Camden’s “impartial” officers sat by and said nothing.
Leighton Road, NW5