Did they realise the association was facing a crisis?
• IN response to K McCarthy’s letter (Regeneration and the death of a community association, July 10), I was unable to attend the West Hampstead Community Association June 30 meeting.
If I had been present I would have asked the following questions. One: if the Liberal Democrats knew that a crisis was impending and considered the committee not up to the task, could their councillor, as an honorary officer, not have organised a meeting to see a new way forward?
Two: if the Lib Dems didn’t know that a crisis was impending how can they stand honestly before their constituents and say they now know the best way forward?
The answer can only be one or two. If it isn’t, then Mr McCarthy’s scenario is proven: the Lib Dems have other irons in the fire which don’t “put the community first”.
Glastonbury Street, NW6