Mental health problems have an affect on all of us
We have to increase public understanding of mental health problems writes David Taylor
ONE in every twenty murders in England and Wales is committed by a person with a mental health problem.’ This recent shock statistic, highlighted last... > more |
A disastrous step in the dark
IT was on the cards. The former Labour administration at the Town Hall wanted to do it, but, in the end, faced with a loud ‘No’ from council tenants backed off. Now the Lib-Dems and Tories want to go where politicians once feared to tread.
We are referring to the proposal to sell-off council estates, one by one, to housing associations. > more
Infamy to call club infamous - I FEEL as though I need to write to you regarding your story about the Tonbridge club (All smiles at opening of £1.7m boys’ club). > more
It was Angry Brigade that bombed tower - THE letter (There was an IRA bomb at the tower, Dec 7) attributes the bombing of the Post Office Tower in Fitzrovia... > more
Cafe blunder leaves park users hungry - I WOULD like to correct two matters raised in the article Park Café Blunder in the CNJ December 7 about the Terrace... > more
We simply need to build cheaper houses - I WAS glad to see that my letter of November 23 has caused a healthy debate (Housing should be according to need). > more
Cop shop is not closing - ED Fordham and his band of “scaremongering” cronies continue to bang on about the lack of “consultation” about the closure of... > more
Parking nightmare - I AM disabled and with seven bags of shopping I used the free phone telephone to get myself and goodies home from Somerfield, Camden High... > more
Praise where it is due - IT is unnecessary for me to mention how often we complain, but how little we praise. I would like to redress the balance. > more
Oxfam’s good job - IT was quoted recently that Oxfam makes £500,000 per year. I am puzzled as to why, if this is the case, is there still poverty, starvation... > more
Positive campaign meant best candidate was elected - IT is a real honour to have been elected to represent Kentish Town in the by-election last Thursday and I... > more
I want to set the record straight over Marchmont Street traders - I READ with dismay the inaccurate comments attributed to me in your report (Patisserie faces... > more
Lib Dem abysmal green track record - I BELIEVE the track record of elected Lib Dems shows what their policies really are in green issues. > more
Annabelle’s claims were unfounded - WE were surprised to read Annabelle Stewart’s letter in last week’s New Journal (Is is a future of cuts or value for money?). > more |