I’ll review children’s gym system
• I WOULD like to apologise to the parents who had to queue outside Talacre last week to secure a gymnastics place for their children (Ten-hour queue to join a kids’ gym, December 7).
Professional gymnastics facilities are few and far between in London. Talacre has the second largest gym club in the country and its gymnastics courses are extremely popular.
We have more than 1,000 people registered on the courses, which are run for all ages.
Unfortunately, we simply do not have the space to run more courses at the centre and this has led to a huge waiting list for places – with nearly 2,000 people currently having registered an interest.
The system for accessing gymnastics courses was changed because the waiting list wasn’t working. It had become very difficult to manage and some people had to wait years to get on a course. It also meant many vacancies were not filled before courses started because many on the list simply did not respond when alerted to available places.
Sometimes it was midway through the course before staff could find someone able to take up a place.
It is very difficult to get a system that works and everyone thinks is fair. However, after parents and children were left queuing in the cold and dark last week, it is clear that the new “first come first served” system has its own problems and I will make sure it is reviewed.
Anyone currently on the waiting list will have another chance to get a place on the course in March for the summer term.
There are also alternative courses available at Swiss Cottage Leisure Centre where provision will be expanding from January to help meet the rising demand.
The nearest other permanent gymnastic centre like Talacre is in Hendon, more details from the British Gymnastics Association Ford Hall, Lilleshall National Sports Centre, Newport, Shropshire TF10 9NB, Tel 0845 1297129.
Meanwhile I would like to assure all Talacre customers that at no time will access to this very popular centre for gymnastics or any other activity be blocked by the proposed Dalby Street development.
Executive Member for Sport and Culture
Camden Council
Town Hall
Judd Street