Praise where it is due
• IT is unnecessary for me to mention how often we complain, but how little we praise. I would like to redress the balance.
Essential strengthening work has been taking place on the Kilburn High Road, near Belsize Road and Cambridge Avenue.
We have been advised of the impending work, the expected time span, progress, and, above all, of the diversions to be expected for public transport in the area. This is a particularly busy confluence, because transport not only runs north and south along Kilburn High Road, but crosswise to Golders Green and towards Kensington.
Although one had to keep a keen eye on day-to-day alterations to bus stops and routes, on the whole things have gone smoothly during this period, and I have never failed to find a suitable bus stop, or reach my intended destination without too much delay.
Considering the volume of transport using this vital area, I feel things have gone amazingly well, and that all concerned should be thanked for helping to organise our daily lives during this difficult operation.
There is – naturally – one minus point: why is the remaining area still cordoned off, and why is any work progressing so slowly?
Otherwise, I would like to express congratulations on this operation and am sending a copy of this letter to London Transport accordingly.
Name and address supplied