
Lucy Kavanagh |
Thanks CNJ for giving us a voice
Lucy Kavanagh says many of her peers care deeply about today’s issues – but are powerless to help bring about change
I AM so happy to see this new feature in the New Journal (Book of Grievances) and I am really looking forward to reading letters from other young people who have something important to say to everybody. > more |
War of words
RUTH Kelly has received a lot of stick for her decision to send her child to a private school.
That champion of state education, Fiona Millar, has surprisingly joined in the fray, saying the cabinet minister should resign. In a column in The Guardian on Monday, she points out that many questions remain to be answered. How severe is... > more
From private renting to council flats, our housing policies are in total chaos - IN his review of Simon Jenkin’s book ‘Thatcher and Sons’ (Jan 4) the now Lord ... > more
Councillor Philp works hard for us - I AM writing in response to the inaccurate letter from the local Labour Party Chair last week (Backdoor political letters are ... > more
Thanks to all those who turned out in support of our post office - AS the organisers of the march in early December last year to demand the reopening of our... > more
Xmas thanks - FIRST I would like to wish you all a Big Happy New Year.It was a great pleasure to receive your Christmas hamper.
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We are not a banana republic - ROBIN Young is entitled to have his own opinion on the Standards Board for England (Well done to Brian for exposing planning... > more
Everybody is a somebody - I FOUND your front page headline (Death of a Nobody, December 21) deeply offensive. Inconvenient and embarrassing as... > more
A maverick who spoke his mind - I WAS pleased to see you acknowledge the work of Andi Engel who died on Boxing Day (Farewell to screen giant, page 23)... > more
Welcome home Father Nick - WELCOME home Father Nicholas of St Michael’s Church from his three month sabbatical in the City of God. > more
No panto pimps! - I WENT with my family and a group of friends to see Cinderella at the Hackney Empire this weekend. > more
No to extended bus route - I WRITE to voice my opposition to the proposed extension of the 393 bus route. My reasons are narrow residential roads, added pollution... > more
Sad tree tale - THREE years ago Camden Council planted a row of six saplings outside the parade of shops opposite Bedford Avenue at the Oxford Street end of ... > more
Fill in school survey - Calling all parents! Please don’t forget to fill in Camden’s survey on secondary school places and preferences. > more
A shame for Sir Geoffrey - IT was with much disappointment that I read of Geoffrey Bindman’s acceptance of a knighthood, (Human Rights Lawyer knighted).> more
Do you remember blind John Stokes? - Blind John Stokes:Can anyone help me trace John Stokes – a blind man last heard of in the Kentish Town area in the... > more
Hecklers are undemocratic- REGARDING your article ‘Democracy Town Hall-style captured (Jan 4). This should be about freedom to listen and freedom... > more
Noise control - THE building site at St Mary and St Pancras School in Aldenham Street/Polygon Road, Somers Town, put on their generator anytime from... > more
Heath help - WOULD you tell Heath for Feet that there are plenty of us who would support them but do not have computers.
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