Thanks to all those who turned out in support of our post office
• AS the organisers of the march in early December last year to demand the reopening of our local post offices in Belsize Park, we would like to thank all those who turned out on the day especially those who gave vital practical assistance, and assure them that the fight goes on.
We have the active support of local politicians of all parties, especially Councillor Chris Knight and Councillor Arthur Graves. We also have a recent promise in a letter from our MP Glenda Jackson, of her support for Mr Patel of Actionmate in further negotiations with Post Offices Ltd when those are resumed. POL has informed us that they do intend to reopen a post office on Haverstock Hill having ‘temporarily’ closed the previous one in 2004.
We also are grateful for the active support of several local celebrities – notably Tom Conti and Gail Porter – and would hope for the support of many more ‘celebs’ in 2007, whom we know live in this area.
It is not surprising that professional actors,writers and lawyers and others who work in the vital field of communication, are quick to see the importance of maintaining our oldest, cheapest and safest system of ‘talking to one another’ within local and global ‘communities’.
And, by the way, though email has its uses and adds to ordinary postal services, it does not, and probably never will, completely replace pen and paper. If you doubt that consider why every local post office round here of the few still open, is daily besieged by queues of impatient customers. And remember the jolly hours you stood grumbling in December trying to post your Christmas Cards.
Meanwhile we urge your readers to keep the issue alive by writing immediately to Kate Hoey MP, House of Commons, Westminster, SW1, Chair of the All Party Post Office Group of MPs and repeating our demands that a post office in Haverstock Hill is speedily reopened – as promised – as well as serious consideration given by POL to replace the smaller ones in Belsize Village, Kentish Town and any other nearby localities who have recently been deprived of this important community service.
Belsize Post Office Action Group
• WE are delighted to see that Michael Palin has joined the campaign to save Camden’s post offices (Save Our PO’s plea by Palin, December 21). As well as postal services, Post Offices provide information and access to cash and benefits and they are also an important social focus for the community.
This can be particularly important for vulnerable people, including older people, who may be socially isolated and find the simplest way to manage their finances is through their local Post Office.
Many of Age Concern Camden’s members would not be able to get to a Post Office further away than their local branch, and would be devastated if this crucial, local service was taken away from them.
Mr Palin is right in calling for more consultation with users in areas where it is necessary to close Post Offices, and we want to ensure this will include discussions around all the services older people say they access through their local Post Offices.
Chief Officer
Age Concern Camden
Chad Street, WC1