Xmas thanks
• FIRST I would like to wish you all a Big Happy New Year.
It was a great pleasure to receive your Christmas hamper.
Thank you to all the supporters who helped to make my Christmas come true, not to forget Father Christmas, who delivered all the delightful gifts.
Address supplied
• I LIVE in sheltered housing, and want to express gratitude and special thanks to Sandra, our dear lady, who gives us all her time and patience. She works very hard.
At Christmas we had a lovely party, also a wonderful lunch at the White House hotel near Great Porltand Street. The staff also made us so welcome.
I know I speak for all the tenants, as well as for myself, so thank you Sandra, a very happy and healthy New Year.
Esther Randall Court, NW1
• THANK you CNJ for reporting our plight in regard to the crane in our front garden (December 2006)
We would like to add to your report our heartfelt thanks to Councillor Roger Robinson for his outstanding support throughout our campaign to stop the developers invading our communal garden and forecourt. This is typical of his hard work and commitment to the local community. Many thanks also to Councillor Anna Stewart.
Our appreciation extends to Councillor Naylor and Neil Litherland(Director of Housing) for ensuring that we received such prompt notification of their decision to refuse the developers’ request.
Chair, Churchway Tenants and Residents Association (On behalf of Wellesley House)
Churchway, NW1