Serve up another round of licensing laws, please
Neighbours need to be given a bigger say on the siting of bars, writes Tracy Ismail
SINCE the 2003 Licensing Act came into force, giving responsibilities to councils as opposed to magistrates... > more |
Nightclub nuisance - I ATTENDED the licensing meeting and was not the least interested in the nightclub changing its “Ghetto” name... > more
Trees fight takes root - ARCHITECT Richard Rogers has added his support to the campaign to save the plane trees (Top architect joins... > more
Fire risks pinpointed - LAST month, Homes for Islington (HfI) chose to recognise the London Fire Brigade for the work it has undertaken... > more
No to third runway - ISLINGTON residents are regularly wakened before 6am by aircraft noise. You don’t need to live next to Heathrow to be disturbed... > more |