Trees fight takes root
• ARCHITECT Richard Rogers has added his support to the campaign to save the plane trees (Top architect joins battle to save Guardian trees from axe, November 28).
A new application for the site, by owner Trinity Biotech, is expected shortly. This is likely to be a scaled-down version of the “corporate headquarters” withdrawn earlier this year after rejection by the Greater London Authority and Islington Council.
Details will be revealed as soon as available should readers wish to submit individual letters of objection to the removal of the planes. Existing letters and the 1,300-plus petition signatures collected to date will be re-submitted.
Meantime, we are now collecting more signatures. A number of Exmouth Market shops are supporting the campaign. The new owners of the site have acknowledged the “significant” public opposition to the loss of the planes, the only significant trees along the length of busy, polluted Farringdon Road. We remain cautiously optimistic, therefore, about the likely success of the campaign.
Save the Farringdon Road planes