How water and bleach can flush away gangs
• ISLINGTON residents can rest easy in their beds in future. The police have come up with a novel device to defeat the homicidal gangs roaming our streets – hanging baskets.
The suggestion was made by a police officer at a residents’ meeting following about three years of low-intensity terrorism in Milner Square. > more |
Children need love - FOLLOWING Rose Hacker, I would like to say we might not need more hospitals, schools and prisons if our children were taught to respect... > more
Was sell-off a bargain? - I HAVE been shocked by the coverage in the Tribune of the “plight” of the traders who have recently bought their businesses. > more
Squander bugs rule - HAVING been away, I missed all the furore about the £4 million VAT bill for a canteen for a school in Liverpool Road, which supposedly dictated... > more
Let us have our say - THE letters pages look like a party political broadcast, with the amount of column inches given to Labour and Liberal Democrat councillors... > more
Why MP is second best - I DIDN’T know whether to laugh or shout when I read chairman of Islington Labour Party Ian McLaughlin’s brave defence of his political... > more
Cut would hit tenants - THE letter to the Federation of Islington Tenants’ Associations (FITA) from Homes for Islington (HfI) stating that HfI will withdraw funding... > more
False hope for families - THE Lib Dem council has plans to build about 50 new social homes over the next few years, using money raised from the big sell-off... > more
Blame the terrorists - SURELY, it is Harry Dennison who is out of touch with reality (Reality of 141 deaths, August 10). > more |