False hope for families
• THE Lib Dem council has plans to build about 50 new social homes over the next few years, using money raised from the big sell-off of 220 shops and community centres.
Fifty new homes will make very little impact on the 13,000 families on the waiting list for housing in Islington, but the Lib Dems will trumpet this as an achievement.
This example of gesture politics will give false hope to those on the waiting list, and false comfort to those concerned about our housing crisis.
The Lib Dems could have built hundreds more affordable homes by using tough planning policies. But they either refuse to make the policies tough, or refuse to implement the policies even when they have them.
Or they could pitch for some of the government’s extra £2.5 billion now available for affordable homes. But they want to go it alone, even if this means Islington loses out.
Labour, St Peter’s ward
• I REALLY seem to have rattled Tim Clark’s cage regarding our commitment to build council housing again in Islington and my response to the government housing green paper (What housing achievements? August 17).
Now that a leading government advisor has admitted that the promise to build more homes by the government will not actually make housing more affordable, Mr Clark will feel a little less certain about his comments.
After all, it has taken 10 years for the Labour government to do anything about building council housing. Now it’s happening too late.
A promise of £9 billion investment, which is very welcome, is all we have at the moment. Islington’s Arm’s Length Management Organisation is being asked to accept a cut because money the government promised is being withheld due to financial miscalculation. This will mean Islington residents having to wait longer for much-needed home improvements.
Hospitals and health services in Islington are being cut, due to constant changes in their budget from the government. A promise of money in a green paper at least a year from completion is not money. I’ll be holding my breath waiting to see.
Lib Dem deputy leader of Islington Council
• THE right to buy has got to go. It was brought in by the Tory government, mainly to divide the working class, and it has never been overturned. Each time a council tenant buys their flat or house (with a hefty discount from the council), and eventually puts it up for sale, there is a host of landlords and companies eager to get their hands on as many of these properties as possible.
They then let them at rents way above those charged by the council, depriving those on the council waiting list.
Councils are not estate agents, buying and selling property. Their duty should be to provide accommodation for people whose income is too low for them to rent on the open market.
(Name and address supplied) N19
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